Overarching Goal: Create an inclusive workplace that inspires excellence and innovation resulting in a thriving faculty and staff community.
Strategy 1
Address consistency around salary compensation, compression and cost of living.
Potential Initiatives for Implementation
- Conduct compensation study and compare to local institutions and peer universities.
- Engage compensation consultants to evaluate and restructure compensation decisions.
- Review and institute new policies for pay raises.
Strategy 2
Recruit, retain and promote more women and underrepresented minorities into faculty, staff and senior administrative positions.
Potential Initiatives for Implementation
- Establish mentoring program for URM professionals on campus.
- Establish a more holistic approach to evaluations by modifying tenure and promotion processes to acknowledge both instructional and non-instructional contributions.
- Establish cohorts for URM populations.
- Institute mandatory training and support for hiring managers to prevent unconscious bias in recruitment, hiring, tenure and promotion decisions.
Strategy 3
Invest in faculty and staff learning and development to foster professional growth, leadership and lifelong learning.
Potential Initiatives for Implementation
- Consider a staff training program that allows for courses outside the College.
- Expand staff training to the state allowed two courses/semester.
- Establish a faculty and staff lunch and learn series.
- Establish a Center for Faculty Development and Teaching Excellence (see Academic Distinction, strategy 4).
- Create and facilitate mandatory management training for all new supervisors, managers and department chairs.
Strategy 4
Recognize and encourage efficiencies and innovations in programs, processes and procedures.
Potential Initiatives for Implementation
- Assess and align faculty incentives/rewards with innovative and experiential teaching methods.
- Institute recognition and rewards system to encourage faculty and staff innovation.
- Institute process audit to streamline, clarify and improve campus-wide processes.
- Institute a more transparent budget development process and a budget model that incentivizes excellence.
Strategy 5
Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where all faculty and staff feel a sense of purpose and belonging.
Potential Initiatives for Implementation
- Establish more common spaces for community-building and connection.
- Better advertise and/or improve faculty and staff rewards program.
- Provide regular and meaningful opportunities for employee recognition.
- Assess communication channels and implement practices for more effective, regular and transparent community among faculty, staff and administrators.
- Establish a weekly “common hour” across campus for culturally and academically enriching events and dialogue.
- Institute holistic health and wellness policies to support faculty and staff well-being.